Training and Supervision

An interdisciplinary approach to Psychology and Psychoanalysis for parents, students and professionals of Medicine and Mental Health, Psychology, Nursery, Social Work, Rehabilitation, Early Intervention, Education and Justice: doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, nurses, social workers, diverse therapists, teachers, justice practitioners.

Psychological Training: Conceptual and Theoretical-Clinical Issues

Joint study and analysis of theoretical texts and complex clinical and educational situations in the field of Psychology, Psychopathology and Human Development, which aims to facilitate the understanding and intervention of professionals who work in contexts that involve psychological, affective-emotional and social aspects.

This way, beyond the conceptual and theoretical aspects, the purpose is to promote the development of psychotherapeutic and socio-emotional competencies of these professionals.

Psychotherapy Training and Clinical Supervision: Cases Discussion

Through the presentation and discussion of clinical material by the participants, it is intended to develop their psychotherapeutic help competencies, by means of their own clinical experience and the training of specific modalities of psychotherapeutic observation, evaluation and intervention.

This way, by the Joint discussion, analysis and reflection of problematic clinical situations, it is intended to promote clinical experiences of identification, understanding and resolution of psycho-affective and relational problems and, thus, to promote the development of psychotherapeutic skills and capacities of assessment / intervention of the professionals involved.

Mental Health Resources